-PARA%PAR@`ÿÿÿÿÿÿ}TEXT`oBradley, Lydia Moss 1816Ð1908 philanthropist Born in Vevay, Indiana, on July 31, 1816, Lydia Moss early demonstrated qualities of determination and ability. In May 1837 she married Tobias S. Bradley and moved with him to Peoria, Illinois, where over the next three decades he prospered in land and banking. His death in 1867 left unbegun their plan to endow an educational institution in memory of their six children who had all died young, but it left her the financial means to pursue it. Bradley actively managed her estate and through wise investment, principally in Peoria real estate, greatly increased it. Various other philanthropies, including church gifts and a home for aged women, engaged her while she worked toward her major goal. A charter for Bradley Polytechnic Institute was obtained in 1876, but not until 1897 were the first buildings erected, Bradley Hall and Horology Hall. With a $2 million endowment and a campus of 28 acres, Bradley was from the first firmly established. It aimed at providing both academic and practical training and was a pioneer particularly in the field of domestic science. Bradley died in Peoria on January 16, 1908. The college, as it was called, later added art and music schools, and in 1920, discontinuing its academy, became a regular college and awarded its first baccalaureate degrees. In 1946 it became Bradley University. †styl`!5ª5ª5ª.!Ið 5ªñ!Ilink`